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星哲投資(zī)是一(yī)家創新型的投資(zī)管理公司,以股權投資(zī)爲核心業務。我(wǒ)們倡導“共生(shēng)·融合”(Better Future Together)的發展理念,在關鍵行業和領域提升專長并協同合作,緻力于提升投資(zī)質量和效率,爲客戶創造價值,爲員(yuán)工(gōng)提供有前景的職業生(shēng)涯,并更好地服務社會。

SVCFUND is an innovative investment management company, with equity investment as core business. We advocate "Better Future Together". Through professionalism of our teams and synergy of investment coverage, we aim to improve the growth quality and efficiency of our investments, to deliver more value to our customers, to provide our talents with valuable career path, and to serve for a better society.
股權投資(zī)業務  Equity Investment
SVCFUND is one of the most active VC&PE firms in China. In philosophy of "continually investing in advanced technology and productivity, and investing in people and ideas that can change the world", SVCFUND pays great attention to AI, high-tech sectors, and consume business. In the past 5 years, we invested in enterprises like Xinghan, Lingyun, Yingyi IOT, Jingpaidang, Maijinwang, Mutongxing etc., that shows the strategic focus on new technology, AI, intelligent manufacturing, and Civil-military Integration.
SVCFUND has managed several professional funds. Through innovative investment model, SVCFUND focuses on high-growth targets, effectively diversifies risk, and boosts the profit margin. Meanwhile, along with the follow-up capital injections and resource linkages, the value of the invested target portfolio is continually growing that protects the investors` interests and creates the maximum value for investors. Though difficulties and challenges are always there, along the way to success, we firmly believe that exceptional entrepreneurs can stand out and deliver great value to investors.